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Writer's pictureMargie Frye

Spring Break Essentials

In honor of just getting back from freshman Destin, I thought it would be fun to kick off the blog with some of my essentials that I had....or wish I had. I will say that when it comes to spring break, it could go 1 of 2 ways. It could be the best time of your life, or not. There's really no in between. Fortunately for me, it was so much fun, and I couldn't have asked for a better time. The beach was cold, but the UV was in the high 7 & 8 soooo we sucked it up (just for the tan lol). No one really got in the water, except for a few brave soldiers: KP, Fran, and Bethany; they swam in the ocean and KP even snorkeled. As for the rest of us, the ocean was only used for bathroom breaks... not ideal. Anyway thats enough rambling, so here is your spring break MUST HAVES.

First on the list is some type of hat. It can be a bucket hat, baseball hat, or cowboy hat- my personal fav but I had to borrow because I didn't bring one. A hat is an essential because the odds of you getting super sunburned the first day are high. Next up is the obvious beach covering of all sorts. You need a cover up (I recommend a long sleeve), a towel, sunglasses, and flip flops. These are all items that you will have on your body that are a must.

The next item up is a personal choice, depends on the person, and that is a book. I, as most of you know, can NOT sit still, so when tanning I have to be doing something, which in this case is reading. So a good book is definitely on the list. Lastly, we have the necessity of drinks and food, which is a cooler. A cooler is a must to keep your lunch and beach snacks, and a few waters and Gatorades. It may be cold, but the sun soaks everything out of you, so food and drinks are HIGHLY recommended.

Overall, these are just some personal favorites that I make sure to pack each time, and would miss them if I didn't have them. And thats it for Margie Myers very first blog post! I hope this was helpful for those going on spring break or vacation. Thank y'all for reading!



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