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Writer's pictureMargie Frye

Sophomore Year Recap

Well's been a bit. Not gonna lie, I think the last time I sat down and tried to write a blog post was over 6 months ago. Wow, bad on my part, but, here we are! We made it through sophomore year! Thank goodness that's over! Ha, I'm kidding but it definitely had it's ups and downs. The year started off fast, with my first rush on the other side of things. I am so grateful to go through this process because you bond so much with all ages during rush workshops. Yes, we are sweating, not looking our best, and barely getting any sleep, but it's something I am looking forward to do all over again for my junior year. Football season came and was quickly gone. I made it up to oxford for some games, and also got to enjoy a lot of home games (even though we were not the Now that I'm looking back, first semester was very busy. We had big/little where I got the best little ever!  It’s Anna if you didn't know...not that I don't already tell everyone. We are kinda glued to the hip. I also had Debutante which was an amazing experience. I had the best time with my family and friends, and felt so loved. Christmas break was so much fun and relaxing. January was kind of a rocky start to second semester. We went back to school and immediately experienced a huge ice storm, which yes sounds somewhat fun, right? Being trapped in a tiny dorm, homesickness started to kick in which was weird because I didn't really experience that first semester, so I was completely thrown off. My amazing friends let me be dramatic and cry, saying how I missed my dogs and family (forget the part where they are literally 2 hours away, not far at all). Once we got through that hump, we were rockin and rollin. My favorite date party, crush, came and went, and we had the best time, definitely top ranked. Next up, we had spring break, where my two best friends and I went to visit MB's hometown!!!! Atlanta! So Mary Bowden was our host, taking KP and I all around the city. Yes, we were in love, and yes, we will be going back. Then came Easter, and typically Easter is filled with happiness, but I was going through the trenches. Ok, sorry...that was dramatic, but my boyfriend and I broke up. Do not recommend, it was very painful. Long distance is hard, especially when you have two college students trying their best at love, but that was my first boyfriend, and first heartbreak. The amount of respect I hold for my friends who have been through that MULTIPLE times, wow, I did not give them enough credit. Anyway, the month of April was a big time of self reflect, and Margie time. My parents, friends, and even brothers, were all there for me, and with out them....woooo I would be a tornado. By the end of the month, I was back to myself, and also proud of myself for taking the time to grieve and feel my emotions, lol. Then boom, here we are. Back and better than ever. It's offically summer time, and I am back with Karla!! YAY! Karla's my boss with Karla Pound Photography.  She is very cool!  But yeah, that’s sophomore year, kind of long story short. I am so thankful for all my friends and family for being so supportive, and I can't wait to see what junior year has in store. 

Thanks for reading :)




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