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Writer's pictureMargie Frye

Freshman Recap: Top 5 Best Moments from Spring Semester

As my freshman year is coming to a close, I thought it would be fun to go through my top 5 favorite moments from spring semester. I’m not forgetting fall semester, but personally, spring semester was SO much more fun. It is only fair to give it all the attention. What made spring semester so much better? Honestly, my free time was spent with close friends. I wasn’t as homesick, and the weather was better. My good mood depends on the weather…lol! These moments will never be forgotten while looking back on Freshman year.

First we are starting off with #5, which is Super Bulldog weekend. Not only did we have fun at the baseball games, but B.O.B. performed at Sigma Chi, and it was Julia’s 21st bday party! It was a packed weekend. Thursday started with a big celebration for Julia and Campell turning 21. I got to have a page in Julia’s bday book, which I totally forced her to put me in…HA. Elena came to stay with me, and it was definitely a fun night. Next, we had baseball, and not only was it Super Bulldog weekend, but it was State vs Ole Miss. State won! This called for a BIG celebration. Saturday night was B.O.B. and Dylan and Elena both came up to stay. It was so much fun, and the theme was 2000’s, which was very on point.

Next up, #4, which is ALL SIG DAY. Now, I know number four is kinda low, but the weather was gross, so that took off points. While I was there, I got to see so many friends, and get tons of cute pics. The set up was very fun, and if it was sunny, it might be close to 2nd place, but it rained. The theme was redneck or sigma chi…honestly, random, but i dressed redneck. Overall, a successful party, and a good one to end the semester.

Coming in at #3, we have Charity Bowl! This isn’t as much as the performance but more of the overall event leading up to the big day. I became closer to more of my sorority sisters and had the most fun with the team. We joked around for the most part, but when we needed to work hard, we would focus. On the day of the competition, a group of us got ready together and we were all SO nervous, but we won, so it paid off. It was really a special month of bonding with everyone, and I would definitely do it again.

Number 2 is definitely a crowd favorite…Chi O Crush, literally the best date party of the year. MB, KP, and I all decorated the apartment, and had a group over to take pictures beforehand. It was also Owen’s first date party, so very exciting. The DJ was a 10/10, and Hobbies did not disappoint. Our pictures turned out so cute, and I loved my outfit and hair. It was definitely a close tie to number 1, but once you see what number 1 is you will understand.

Ok, drum roll please…number 1 spot goes too…SPRING BREAK! Spring break was the best week of college ever. Everyone had the best time together, and we were at the beach, which couldn't get any better! The weather was sunny the whole time, and the beach was so pretty. We had the best time dressing up and taking pictures. Along with the beach, we had a pool at our house with a hot tub, mega bonus. Everyone got along and there was really no drama. With 30 girls all getting along, that was a success. I would go back in a heartbeat.

That covers my top 5 favorite moments of spring semester! Come back this Friday for more!



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