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Writer's pictureMargie Frye

Day in the Life - College Edition

Of course, I am late to the blog once again, this was meant to be posted on Friday...oops, but, this weeks post is a little different. I am going to take y'all along my day, and go through what its like being a freshman, business major, in college. There's not much to it, but Thursday's are my busy days, so I thought it would be fun to share!!

First, I'll give y'all a little prequel to how my Thursday's go. As I said before, its my busy day, not ideal at all, but I have 4 classes on Thursday:

9:30 - U.S. History Lecture

12:30 - Macro (gross and not fun)

2:00 - U.S. History Discussion (also not fun)

3:30 - World Geography

So yeah, most of these classes are not entertaining in the slightest, but I have to take them...well, I had to take them when being a Business Major, but now that has changed. I recently switched my major to Communications with a focus in PR, pretty exciting! Now y'all have a little back info, so let's see how my day goes.

On Thursdays, I wake up around 8:30 to get going. I get up, which takes me sometime (because I am NOT a morning person). I make my bed, brush my teeth, and get dressed, you know, the simple everyday type things. Then, pack my bag, and put shoes on, then i'm out to class, and I CAN'T forget AirPods...thats a MUST. I then head over to my class, which is till 10:20, not long at all. I typically try and get homework done in there or something productive like looking at Pinterest, just depends on my mood. After class, I'll head back to the dorm, or sit outside depending on the weather, but this past Thursday, I had to go print out notes from the library, which I ran into Ella, so tender.

By now, it's lunch time, my favorite. The Chi O house serves lunch from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m., so I always try to eat lunch there (especially because it's basically free food). I'll quickly head over to Macro, which is the worst class ever...but I like the people in it, so that makes up for it. After, I head to U.S. History Discussion, and then to my 3:30 World Geography class. So, around 4:30 I am finally done with class, and I don't have class on Friday, so Thursday's are basically my Friday's, if that makes since.

Now that I'm done with the school portion of the day, I get to see my friends. This past Thursday, we were feeling adventurous, so we went on a walk to go get an early dinner. KP, MB, and I all walked to D-Squared first to do a little shopping, and then walked over to Nutrigroove to get some acai bowls. Which, if you've never been before, I highly highly recommend. After that, we walked to the house to get some fried okra, because I was still hungry. By now it was around 6:15, so we made our way back to the dorms. I then did some school work and showered, and, of course, watched the Prep baseball game online. By then it was around 9:30, so I watched Tik Tok and online shopped until I got sleepy, and then went to bed. Busy day complete.

Overall, a very fun day and I got a lot done too. Thank y'all for reading this Friday's late blog...Come back tomorrow for more content!



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